Three Giraffes Crossing the Plains of Tortillis

I am often amazed at just how stunning clouds can look in black and white.  When there is a lack of dynamic color, black and white just seems to come center stage.  The image below started out as a normal RAW color capture via my Nikon D3s.  After basic color processing, I used Nik Software’s Viveza to selectively add contrast to the clouds followed by processing in Silver Effects Pro, again selectively targeting areas for increased contrast and brightness.  Finally, a very light touch of noise reduction followed by output sharpening yields the image below.  I am finding that giving those images bound for the trash a second look in b&w, often yields a very pleasing result. I would encourage you to try your hand at b&w conversions before giving up on a marginal color image.

Three Giraffes Crossing the Plains of Tortillis

Nikon D3s, 70-200mm f/2.8 @ 80mm, f/8.0 ISO 200 at 1/800 sec

Tortillis, near Amboseli National Park,  Kenya



Cheers and Happy Photo’ing



Elephant Crossings


Nik Software Silver Effects Pro 64bit