Elephant Crossings

WORKING outside of a safari vehicle and very low to the ground can be dangerous yet, it can yield some outstanding images.  The image below was not without a  full rehearsal with our guide, for safety reasons.  The rehearsal including proper vehicle positioning (placement, angle, etc), and lots of time spent on safety, as well as communication and emergency actions should the condition warrant immediate reaction.  I must emphasize that this images was created with full permission by the authorities to work outside of the vehicle; something not normally granted and certainly not without prior permission.  This is also an exception to the norm, as I would NEVER allow any of my safari clients to undertake this type of personal exposure.

Elephant Crossing I

Nikon D3S, 70-200mm VR f/2.8 @ 125mm, f/8.0 ISO 200 @ 1/250 sec

Taken on a dry lake bed between Tanzania and Kenya


The original image was a normal RAW capture and processed in Lightroom as a black and white.  The resulting image was then split toned, for highlight and shadow emphasis, in Lightroom to yield the colors that you see above.

Cheers and happy photo’ing


National Geographic’s “Born To Move” series


Three Giraffes Crossing the Plains of Tortillis