June Safari Update – Day 3
June 3, 2014

Early to rise today with jombo jombo at 0530 and a departure at 0630 we were off heading for the Research Area in hopes of finding quality cats. Man oh man, did the Research Area produce. With 30 lions before noon, we were off to a great start. The highlight was a lioness posing for us in a tree, a large male lion next to the road and a number of cubs with the Marsh Pride. The total lion count for the day was 30 plus 2 cheetahs.

Nikon D800, Nikon 200-400 f/4.0 at 200mm, ISO 200, 1/640 sec @ f/6.3.  Converted to B&W with Nik.

Back to camp around 1630 and greeted by hundreds of wildebeests who will lull us to sleep tonight. Until the wind came up, we released a quad copter and took some shots of the camp. With the numbers of wildebeests continuing to increase around camp, we hope use the copter to do some filming in the local area. A light rain has passed over us and thunder and lightning in the distance. This will make for a very pleasant night tonight and I hope it will relocate some of the wildebeest into our immediate area. Tomorrow will be another early rise as we will push into the Moru Kojpes for some different cats and some killer landscapes.

Cheers and happy photo’ing

Live Blogging from the Serengeti made possible by XCOM GLOBAL International.


June Safari Update – Day 4


June Safari Update – Day 1