June Safari Update, Day 0

June Safari Update, Day 0
Arusha Tanzania, 1 June, 2014
0530hrs, a wonderful cool 600F with overcast clouds – most likely clearing in the mid to late day.

Yesterday I arrived at my lodge (Rivertrees) around noon and promptly had a lunch meeting with Sharron, the Operations Manager of Thomson’s Safaris in the Arush office.  It was great to see Sharron again and get caught upon everything that is going on in and around Arusha as well as fresh reports from the bush.  It was exciting to me to hear how she is putting management tools, such as 360 reviews of her subordinates, to use in improving the delivery of her services.  In the Thomson organization, Operations has their hands in just about everything having to do with the effective deliver of a successful safari.  Hearing her talk about her efforts of continuous improvement made me grin as a briefly recalled my days of crazy management efforts ranging from the Baldrige Criteria, to Quality Circles and much more.  Although the thoughts did not last long, it really makes be proud to me associated with an organization such as Thomson’s Safaris who really take continuous improvement seriously.

Now to the issue at hand; my one checked bag never showed up with me in Arusha. While loading my bag in Dubai, I did note that my bag was traveling down the conveyer belt without a ‘Transfer in ADD’ green sticker on it. I didn’t think too much about however, hind-sight is always 20-20. My greatest concern is fact that for some reason, I packed my malaria meds and a great deal of my camera support equipment in this bag. Why? Beats the heck out of me because I never do that.

I must have processed my situation during the night because I was up early and right out of the gate, went through all of my carry-on supplies and started thinking about a contingency plan to get me through the safari. The critical items that are packed in the lost luggage include camera charging and all cables, camera cleaning equipment, XCOM Global communication device, and of course all of my clothes. Suddenly, my clothes took a very low priority. I did have one USB to micro cable and a new fully charged mophie battery pack that I had purchased and charged the day before departure. This will allow the use of my cell phone while in the bush. My camera batteries are charged for the most part. Using the large Nikon batteries, I can get nearly 500 to 1,000 shots per battery if I don’t use the GPS, so I guess the GPS is off for the trip. With borrowing a usb to sub cable, I can charge and download to from my hyperspace.  Now if I can borrow a pair of socks, I think I can get by.

I’m crossing fingers that my bag will show up by noon, so I’ll tip my hat to lady luck in hopes that she grace me with all of her might.

Cheers and happy photo’ing.


June Safari Update – Day 1


Safari Update – Rivertrees Country Inn