During my last safari, we spent some serious time at the Retima Hippo Pool for some killer shots. While most of the photographers were perched along the observation area clicking away, I slipped down and around the end of the pool and took up a position on the upper rocks. While I was shooting other hippos from this lower angle, my eyes kept a keen watch on this particular hippo. It was as if he or she, was boring a hole in my chest with a killer stare.I’m used to lots of hippo action and am well versed in their behavior however, this hippo was different.  This guy did not move a muscle as everyone around him displayed lots of commotion.   I continued to shoot until all of the action had moved around the corner.  I stood up and started backing upward, never taking my eyes off of this fellow.  As I neared the top of the rocks, the hippo took a huge lunge forward as if he wanted to come all the way out of the water.  Clearly he wanted me to know that he was king of the pool.

Nikon D3X, 200-400 f/4 @400mm, ISO 250, 1/320 sec at f/6.3.  This image was take here.

Happy Holidays to all and I wish everyone a joyful and successful 2013.

Cheers and happy photo’ing.


Safari Update Day 1 (no gallery)


Cheetahs On The Edge