Safari Update Day 7

Weather: Rain in the evening, sunrise at 0615, 62F rising to 85F mid day.  Mostly clear with scattered clouds. 

Staying at Kibukibu Hills, we had another fun filled day filled with great photography opportunities. While one set of clients went ballooning over Serengeti, the remainder of us headed for the plains in search of cheetahs and lions. With a little bit of luck, we found them. We watched two cheetah brothers cross the plains and then one when up a tree, something I had not seen before. Being the only truck around, it was easy to position for a great shot. We felt like we were in our own personal park and the wildlife was just there for us. Sorry for poor connections along the way and the limited posting. After several calls to AT&T, Iā€™m back up for tonight. Tomorrow, we move to the Northern Serengeti area and based on previous experience, communications will be very limited. Text posting to twitter will continue as long as SMS is available.


Safari Update Day 6


Safari Update Day 8 and 9