Safari Update Day 3
Safari Day 3
31 Aug 2012
Weather: sunrise 0638, heavy overcast 67F
Today we made our way out of Tarangrie Park making our way to thru a couple of villages enroute to the Great Riff Valley. We will stop at Gibbs Farm for a wonderful lunch and breathtaking views of the escarpment, then on to the exciting Ngorongoro Crater. After two days at the Crater, we move to the Central Serengeti for several days, then onto our final destination in the Northern Serengeti, all with their unique ecosystems.
Before leaving the part, the elephants continued to wow us with up close and very personal photo ops of elephants as well as a herd of running Elans which showed displayed their ability to jump 6-8 feet in the air with ease.
As luck would have it, I have lost primary and secondary means of updating from the bush so this will be my last update, thanks to the wifi at Gibbs Farm. Stories and unseen photos will have to keep you in suspense until my return.
Above photo by Barb Borton