Safari update, 20 Aug

Another killer day in the Serenegti.  Within 15 minutes of breaking camp we were photographing a mother leopard and her two cubs at the Seronera swamp area.  30 minutes later a mother Cheetah and two young cubs on one side of the road and dancing ostriches on the other side of the road; the choices that one must make.   Off to the Moru Kopjes (Moru meaning old rocks) to visit Ngong Rock and the Maasai rock paintings.  Kileo game us a great history lesson on the area.  Passing Chapati Rock and traveling thru Area 16, it was back to camp for  early reprise.  Cleaning camera gear, downloading images, and packing for our depature tomorrow, all necessay tasks that must be performed.  Tomorrow it is off to Kogatende in the northern Serengeti.  As a slight breeze sets in, most likely bringing another round of rain.

Kwa afya and lala salama


Safari update, 21 Aug


Safari update, 19 Aug