New Nikon Codec

Nikon has released NEF Codec version 1.24.0 with support for the D750 camera. Nikon NEF Codec makes RAW (.NEF) files easy accessible in a Windows environment. Here is the full list of supported cameras:

  • D4S, D4, D3X, D3S, D3, D2XS, D2X, D2HS, D2H, D1X, D1H, D1, D90, D80, D70S, D70, D60, D50, D40X, D40, D810, D800E, D800, D750, D700, D610, D600, D300S, D300, D200, D100, D7100, D7000, D5300, D5200, D5100, D5000, D3300, D3200, D3100, D3000, Df
  • Nikon 1 J4, Nikon 1 J3, Nikon 1 J2, Nikon 1 J1, Nikon 1 V3, Nikon 1 V2, Nikon 1 V1, Nikon 1 S1, Nikon 1 AW1
  • Coolpix A, Coolpix 8800, Coolpix 8700, Coolpix 8400, Coolpix 5700, Coolpix 5400, Coolpix 5000

All other Coolpix cameras use the Nikon NRW Codec

Why is this useful?  Installing this Codec will allow you to see thumbnails of your images when using the windows file explorer.  This is handy and allows you a quick look vs. having to crank up Lightroom or Bridge all the time.

IMPORTANT:  You should only use this Codec for quick viewing.  DO NOT USE any file management to move files outside of Lightroom, if you are using Lightroom as your Digital Asset Management tool.

Cheers and happy photo’ing


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