Namibia – What’s in the bag?
For this trip. it is all about landscapes with an occasional opportunity for some wildlife. My bag of choice for this trip is the new Guru Gear Bataflae 26L and the Chobe 19-24L Travel Shoulder Bag with the photo insert removed for my laptop and supporting supplies.
The camera equipment for this trip includes: Nikon D3x as my primary workhorse and my Nikon D4 as a backup. My lens kit will include at 14-24mm ( a fast and fantastic wide angle zoom that reeks of quality), Nikon 24-70mm, another killer lens and my trusty Nikon 70-200mm. All cameras are equipped with Really Right Stuff brackets. For my tripod, it is back to the basics with Gitzo G-lock 4 section carbon fiber with a BH55 head from Really right Stuff. I also have a serious collection of Sing Ray ND filters and his standard and golden polarizers.
This trip, I am also taking the new Sony NEX-6 compact camera. Really looking forward to using this little beast, as it has a great deal of punch in a compact frame. You can read more about this camera here.
More from Germany and the Sony during our 13 hour layover.
Cheers and happy photo’ing.