MEXICO Trip Images – I
Although I have been back from Mexico for some four weeks, I am just now getting a chance to get caught up on blogging about the trip.
Cpt Mike about to Yell at me for doing something stupid
As I mentioned in a previous posting, I was the Chef for the dinner meals. Some of the highlights included: Avocado Soup, Mahai Mahai in a number of different ways including tacos & fish cakes, prawns with a champagne cream sauce, and bananas fosters. It was very difficult not to put on a little bit of weight however, we all seemed to have survived.
Yours Truely, Chief Chef making Ceviche
At rest in one of the many wonderful bays
My favorite time, alone on the bridge at sunset
Sailing the Seas
More to follow in a day or three. Till then, happy photo’ing