Kauai Beach Photo Shoot II

Below are the final photos in the beach series of Coogan and Paul shot in the Poupou Beach area near the Beach House Restaurant.  All images were shot with a Nikon D300 with a 17-55mm or a 70-200mm lens and a Nikon SB900 mounted in a Lastolite 24×24 EZbox off camera left.  Basic exposure was a -1/3  to  -2/3 EV in the camera to increase background saturation with a +2 to +2.5 EV push in the strobe to offset the daylight, all controlled with the Nikon CLS from the camera.  Lastolite Trigrip was camera right and low bouncing upward to fill shadows underneath the eyes.  Limited processing was done in Lightroom including grayscale conversion. Once I got through the craziness with Coogan and Paul (they sort of had enough of the photo stuff early on), they were a blast to work with.  I certainly hope they enjoy these photos as much as I had producing them.


BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year Competition


Kauai Beach Photo Shoot