Geese Are In
Nikon D2x, 200 -400 VR ISO 250, f8 @ 1/250 sec
Located about an hour and half drive north of Seattle, is Fir Island in the Skagit Flats area. This area is known for its rich farm lands and the over wintering snow geese and swans. Taken last year, these two photos represent how Photoshop can be used to convey motion to a single dimension photograph. The first photo is the original photo. I purposely selected the background for the contrasting red barn and the lines of the church against the white geese. Although most people viewing the photo for the first time fail to make the connection between the title and the background, taking a second look at the image – they usually get it. The second image is my attempt at photoshoping some motion into the image. For this trick I used a radial blur in an off-set direction over the entire photo. I then used a mask and painted around a number of the birds, removing the blur effect. The result is that some of the birds are blurred and some are not. Although the effect is not for everyone, it does show what a little creativity can do with not much effort in Photoshop.
Cheers and happy photo’ing