First To Cross

Taken last year along the Mara River from the Tanzania side, one brave soul makes the first jump into the river. Their pattern is simple; they know bad things can happen when they (wildebeest) get in the water, yet the rivers form a ‘must cross’ obstacle for them as they move to and from the grasslands between Kenya and Tanzania. Once one daring male makes the jump, the rest of the herd will instantly follow, regardless of the dangers. Reviewing this shot from last year, I recall how put our cameras down and watching in awe as hundreds of thousands crossed the river before our eyes. Yes, I can’t wait to see the river again in two weeks, give or take a day.

Nikon D3s, 200-400 f/4.0 @ 400mm, ISO 1250, 1/500 sec at f/8.0

Cheers and happy photo’ing


Fog Fall Over The Crater Rim


Dune 45, Namibia