Father’s Day
As I was making my monthly rounds through a number of photo blogs that I try to keep up with, I ran across a question that started me thinking about Father’s Dad in a different light. The question posed was simply ‘ how has your father influenced your photography’? For starters, I can tell you that my father’s involvement in photography goes way back.
Always putting family first, he ensured we always had what we needed as well as many fun things that were special All the while, he managed to squirrel away some change now and then which he later used to purchase a twin lens Roloflex. This was back in the days of hand held light meters and no internet for instructions. His first explanation of f-stops and how the light meter was used still sticks in my mind. When I was little, I recall him going on a deer hunting trip to Colorado with his long time hunting buddies. Although the primary focus was of this trip was mule deer, he always made time for photography along the way. I recall one incredible photograph he took of a multi-colored aspen layered mountain range. My mother took this slide (taken with Kodak Ektachrome) and turned it into a very accurate 24×36 oil painting portrayal of the scene. Mom went on to enter this painting in an art competition featuring artists who could most accurately render a painting from a photograph. BTW, her painting won her a solid position in the War Eagle Mills Annual Art Fest.
Like my dad, I saved every penny I made for my first purchase of a real SLR. I used a second hand Mamayia SLR for several years. My dad was with me when I purchased my first Nikon Ftn; and between the two of us, I am not sure who was more excited.
With both of us shooting slides, we frequently reviewed our images together all the way through college. Dads’ support and coaching along the way, both on photography and how to live your life, has made me the success that I am today.
Dad took the jump to digital media at the same time I deployed to Iraq and at 82+, he is still going strong. He remains keenly interested in my photography and we often have humorous discussions about photography vs. art. Gotta love his old school opinions, I know I do. Today we constantly share photos across the internet.
DAD; my hat is off to you and my deepest thanks for your constant support and coaching. I could not ask for a better father!! HAPPY FATHER’S DAY.
Cheers to all those dads out there and happy photoing, if you are one of those that picks up a camera.