Where In The World Has Randy Hanna Been?

Since my last blog / FB posting, I returned to Seattle for scheduled knee surgery. As many of you know, I have been dealing with knee pain for some 6+ years. Finally the pain became so great that I had to punch a hole in my travel schedule to allow for the repair. Although I did manage to walk away from the hospital under my own power, I still have a bit of a recovery in front of me. Three days after surgery I came down with pneumonia as a result of the general anesthesia (so they guess). Now that the pneumonia is cured, I am focused regaining full motion to my left knee and leg. While I am still on a ‘no jumping, no running’ restriction, I did manage to get a full set of unweighted squats completed yesterday and I am happy to announce that I have about 75% motion. I am looking forward to being 100% and pain free in no time! 

Taking some much needed time away from social media has allowed me to focus 100% on my recovery.  Special thanks to Dr. Donion and her wonderful team at Group Health for correcting my knee problems, and to Dr. Brook for helping with the pneumonia treatment.

I will soon be departing for Tanzania and lead a private safari for several clients. Tanzania is always an exciting place and a wonderful destination for a photo safari adventure. I hope to provide daily updates while on safari so stay tuned.  


River Crossing Time


Safari Update Day 9