Ready For Africa and Off We Go
With the exception of my camera gear, this is the lightest that I have ever packed. Sitting at the SEATAC airport boarding in just under an hour and sporting an ear to ear smile. I'm off for another exciting private safari to Tanzania. With a limited number of clients, there will be lots of personal attention and coaching, just the way I like it. For this trip, we are covering two areas, a private camp in the Ndutu area followed by another private camp in the Namiri concession.
In the bags, just in case you ask: Blue Northface contains my clothes, tripod and camera support equipment. This is my first time using this bag and despite it not being a roller, I love it. The Cinebag contains my medium format equipment and my laptop equipment. Hasselbald H5D with the following Hasselblad glass: 28mm, 35-90mm (my go to lens), and my brand new 100mm 2.8 which I will use for some Maasai portraits. The recently released Tamrac G32 (greatly improved form the Guru Gear 32) contains my 35mm kit including D4, D810, 24-70mm, 70-200mm, the new 400 f2.8 FL and a satellite uplink system.
I’ll be posting live on a daily basis so be sure to keep up with our adventure.
Off we go, next stop Frankfurt then onward to Kilimanjaro.
#muenchworkshops #Hasselblad #Nikon # Tanzania #wildography